Today i've been FINALLY making thankyou-cards for the people who came to our wedding. Boy are they late! But i'll try to get them posted tomorrow. This is not the picture we ended up using, but i like it. H doesn't.
I'm so in love with him today (or obviously i always am, but today especially) so i posted kissing-pictures. <3

Also i got an email from my school in sweden today, saying they've accepted me in. Not that it wasn't sure before, but it's part of the protocol. I was all exited, and looked at the apartments there again.. but like two minutes later i was exited about staying home. I really don't know what to do! I'm going to make a list about the pros and cons:
Pros: I will get to stay with H and our cats
I'll be able to finish my art- studies here
I'll be able to finish school this spring
I decided to apply to Taik, our artschool here, so i'd be able to do that here.. i could do it there too ofcourse, but i think it'd be easier here
Cons:I wouldn't be able to learn swedish aswell
I might not get to go any time soon, if id want my family to grow and all, with work later so there isn't going to be a change to travel and do take offs in a really long time later
Pros:Over all experience
Learning the language, which would be a great asset in later life, being able to speak swedish with H and all
Cons:Missing H and the cats and the rest of my family
School not finishing this spring
It would also be costly
Hs things i'm not going to go into here
2 kommenttia:
If only you could see in the future a? Bud don't make your desigion to heavy. You have good and loveing people around you. I am sure you'll be fine in both ways. However you decide. I think it's OK to take opportunityes offered. Cos we are what (how) we live. And in the end you get payed in the sence of life experineces. Some new knowlage and experiences could be werry feedy. If (only) i was a rich men...ti di ti di ti di duuu... Also if will is strong money is not the most importaint allways.
Elämässä aina tekee päätöksiä, mitä miettii, että olisiko ollut parempi, jos olisi tehnyt toisin. Teet niin kuin sydämessä juuri silloin tuntuu oikealta.
Oot ihana.
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