sunnuntai 30. marraskuuta 2008

Taikin myyjäiset.

En ihan tykkää tuosta kuvasta, mutta menkööt. :)
Taik:in joulumyyjäisissä oli taas kerran ihanaa. Löysin vaikka mitä hauskaa, mutta en ostanut paljoa, koska rahaa on niin vähän. Moni niistä jutuista on inspiroivia, tekee mieli itse alkaa askarrella.  Esimerkiksi siellä on niistä kiinni silitettävistä helmistä tehtyjä kelloja. Olisin ehkä halunnut semmoisen, jos siellä olisi ollut minulle sopivia värejä, nyt tarjolla oli vain niin kirkkaita, etten tahtonut. Monet heijastimet ja magneetit ovat myös innostavia.  

Olen koko syksyn intoillut kuviksen sivuaineessa dioista, ja niistä kehyksistä. Tuolla myyjäisissä oli sitten niihin kehyksiin tehtyjä koruja. Melkein olisin ostanut sellaisen, mutta en sitten ostanut. Minua niissä dioissa on kuitenkin eniten inspiroinut se läpikuultava pikkuruinen kuva.

Näin sielä myös ihanan kirjan, joka oli itse sidottu. Sen kannessa oli hieno  vanha valokuva, ja silkkinauhoja. Olisin ostanut sen, mutta se oli 30€, eikä minulla ollut niin paljoa. Kun tulin kotiin, kaivoin kaapista kirjan, jonka kerran poimin kirjaston poistolaarista. Siinä on kauniit vanhat kannet, nahkakylkineen. Leikkasin pakkauspaperista siihen uudet sivut, otin vanhat suurimmaksi osaksi pois. Liimasin lopuksi kanteen kuvan, jonka löysin toisesta vanhasta kirjasta. Siinä tyttö esittelee lelujaan ja kiiltokuviaan -ihanaa. :)

Aika mukavaa, eikä maksanut kolmea kymppiä. 

lauantai 29. marraskuuta 2008


Siivoilin tänään. Ja löysin samalla viime keväänä ostamani alushameen. Tykkään siitä kovasti, ja pitihän sitä sitten heti kokeilla eri vaatteiden kanssa. Olisin halunnut käydä Valtterin kirpputorilla, mutta en ehtinyt. Huomenna kuitenkin menen Taik:in joulumyyjäisiin, ja se on mahtavaa. Se on ollut jo perinne monena vuotena. Tosin menen sinne aina ajatuksena ostaa joululahjoja, mutta ostan usein eniten itselleni.. 

perjantai 28. marraskuuta 2008


Luin taas pitkästä aikaa sarjiksia, ja innostuin pitkästä aikaa niiden piirtämisestä. Muutenkin pitäisi piirtää enemmän asioita muistiin, niitä on kiva katsoa jälkeenpäin. Ajattelin sitten yhdistää nämä kaksi, ja piirsinkin sitten tänne sarjiksen. Saa nähdä tuleeko niitä lisää. 

torstai 27. marraskuuta 2008


Luin blogeja, joissa näytettiin muistikirjoja ja niiden sisältöä. Olen ihan pienestä lapsesta asti piirrellyt ja kirjoitellut erilaisiin kirjoihin ja vihkoihin, tähän poimin niistä muutaman. Varhaisin tallentunut kirja on valkoinen, jossa on punaisia sydämiä, siihen kirjoitin viisivuotiaana, tai siis lähinnä piirsin. Seuraava on liila, jossa on lintuja, se oli käytössä ala-asteella. Sen jälkeen on kirja, jonka kansi on tapettia, ja siinä on minun kuvani lapsena. Sitä seuraa valkoinen kirja, jonka kannessa on kukkia. Ne olivat molemmat käytössä lukiossa. Valkoinen luonnonpaperinen oli käytössä lukion jälkeen. Viimeisin kuvassa oleva on hopeinen kierrevihko, joka on myös kalenterini.  Monta on tietenkin kuvasta poissa.

Keräsin tähän muutamia kuvia kirjoista. Ne kulkevat aikajanassa tässä kuvassa. Siitä näkee paremmin, jos klikkaa kuvia.

Innostuin tästä aika paljon, oli mahtavaa etsiskellä kuvia ja kulkea ajassa taaksepäin. Parhaat kuvat eivät ole tässä, ne liittyvät usein aika henkilökohtaisiin asioihin tai ovat muotokuvia, niitä en halunnut kuvata. Mukava, että näitä on niin paljon tallella. 


It sure was a misty day today. These pictures were taken from a moving car, so they have a moving feel to them.  But it sure looks misty too.

The snow's already melting.

I got flowers from my in-laws, and our cats loved them right away. I did too, they were the same kind as we had in our wedding.

I was thinking, again, i would want to switch into finnish. So i might do that. 

keskiviikko 26. marraskuuta 2008


Today was my birthday.I got the best gifts from my husband, and he was so sweet: he baked me muffins and woke me up with coffee and a muffin with a candle on.

My mom made me woollen socks, as usual. I love them, as usual. Dad made me sallad, and it tasted great.

I took this picture at my parents house, it's a really old video projector. I think it's awesome.

All in all it has been a superb birthday, and it's not even over yet.

maanantai 24. marraskuuta 2008


After the Snowstorm everything is soft, white and beautiful. When i was a kid, we always went ice skating on the lake on my birthday, which is this wednesday. Not anymore though, at least not in Helsinki. Probably not in Central Finland either. But it was nice to have snow for a little while near my birthday anyways, and i might go skating on a fake-ice ring. :)

sunnuntai 23. marraskuuta 2008


This is what my sunday has consisted of:

Eating dried strawberries left over from my birthday party yesterday.

Sowing and re-making clothes.

Sleepy cats.

Snowy leaves.

torstai 20. marraskuuta 2008

First snow.

It snowed today for the first time. i was dressed accordingly.

keskiviikko 19. marraskuuta 2008

Paintings and buildings.

I've been really busy and hardworking today, a real trooper! I went to school at about tenish and left at seven in the evening. I painted a little trying to finish something i started painting yesterday, but i think i might paint it a little more once it has dried.

This is a building i made. There's a ballet dancer living inside.

This is the painting i made. It's and answer in a way to the work of an artist called Milena Moriani. We were supposed to pick an artist and tell others of him/her and make something that is inspired by the artists work. So this is mine. But it's not exavtly finished yet. Maybe.

sunnuntai 16. marraskuuta 2008

Arts and dalahästar.

I have to pick an artist and make a powerpoint and tell people on my arts class about him/her and also make a piece of my own inspired by him/her. I think i'll choose Ulla Jokisalo. This was found on Flickr, someone took a card of hers and put some dudes underneath it.

She uses a lot of scissors and thread in her pictures. I love the idea. She also uses photography as a base in some pictures, so i could do that.

I also found Aino Kannisto really inspiring.

I've decided to go to Sweden. It's a little bit scary, but i got a welcoming letter which was really well made and covered all aspects and answered most of my questions. So, i'm going.

torstai 13. marraskuuta 2008

Loving and leaving (?)

Today i've been FINALLY making thankyou-cards for the people who came to our wedding. Boy are they late! But i'll try to get them posted tomorrow. This is not the picture we ended up using, but i like it. H doesn't.

I'm so in love with him today (or obviously i always am, but today especially) so i posted kissing-pictures. <3

Also i got an email from my school in sweden today, saying they've accepted me in. Not that it wasn't sure before, but it's part of the protocol. I was all exited, and looked at the apartments there again.. but like two minutes later i was exited about staying home. I really don't know what to do! I'm going to make a list about the pros and cons:
Pros: I will get to stay with H and our cats
I'll be able to finish my art- studies here
I'll be able to finish school this spring
I decided to apply to Taik, our artschool here, so i'd be able to do that here.. i could do it there too ofcourse, but i think it'd be easier here
Cons:I wouldn't be able to learn swedish aswell
I might not get to go any time soon, if id want my family to grow and all, with work later so there isn't going to be a change to travel and do take offs in a really long time later

Pros:Over all experience
Learning the language, which would be a great asset in later life, being able to speak swedish with H and all
Cons:Missing H and the cats and the rest of my family
School not finishing this spring
It would also be costly
Hs things i'm not going to go into here

perjantai 7. marraskuuta 2008

Second hand shopping

We went to UFF two euro day, where everything costs 2e. There was also a deal so that if you buy 12 items you pay even 20e, so me and my friend put our stuff together to get 12 items. This dress was one of the things i got, it needs some shortening, but otherwise it's neat.

I also bought this skirt, and i think it's a cool secretaryish look, but i might be too shy to wear it.. but i'm hoping i won't cause it think it looks cool.

We also took some more pictures with our needle hole cameras, and got some that worked out super! I'll try to scan them tomorrow probably.

keskiviikko 5. marraskuuta 2008

Needle hole camera

I've made a needle hole camera. At first i made it a bit too large, it was hard to carry around, but then i made a smaller one. Also it was better, i'm not that sure why.

This is my second camera, the better one.

At first i tried taking a picture of myself sitting by the window, but i sat just at the frame, so i don't show at all in the picture. I was going for a silhouette effect. You can see the negative and also the positive in which i've also projected a picture of a tree.

In this picture, allghouth it's blurry, you can see me sitting in our arts classroom. The white blurry blob is my head. Sun was shining so that my hair and face overlighted the paper, so they're just a white blob. But maybe you can see my hand at the center and also the crow i was holding. in the left corner there's also a white blob, that's a torso of a woman. The picture is really quite clear but i wasn't able to capture it properly without a scanner. I'll maybe try later.

It takes a while to get them done, in the first picture i stood still for 30 minutes and the last for 15 minutes. outside, if the sun is shining, it only takes about 2 minutes, and maybe in the summer time even les, like 15 seconds or so.

maanantai 3. marraskuuta 2008

More halloween.

I was wrong, there were plenty! So if someone doesn't like a picture, tell me, and i'll take it out. I mean if you're in it, and don't want to be.