Yeah i hope it's going to be better then. And i really really hope my man's going to like it enough to let it hang on our wall. :DD he has opinnions about my decorating, which i hope he woudn't. :DD No, I'm only kidding.
"Sinä päivänä herätessä keitin kahvit ja istuin ikkunalla, jonka sai auki kokonaan. Ei haitannut vaikka satoi kahvikuppiin."
Olen kahden lapsen äiti. Pidän käsitöistä, kotielämästä, ruoanlaitosta, sarjakuvien piirtämisestä, lukemisesta ja päiväkirjan kirjoittamisesta.
4 kommenttia:
Wow, this is really beautiful. What an artwork
Thanks! Actually i think i'm gonna change her a little bit, make her cheeks a little less narrow and.. i dunno what else. :)
Oh, wow! I really like it. It's really good, even if you do make some changes ^.^
Yeah i hope it's going to be better then. And i really really hope my man's going to like it enough to let it hang on our wall. :DD he has opinnions about my decorating, which i hope he woudn't. :DD No, I'm only kidding.
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